Old Brooklyn, what is your Broadview Road experience? Share your thoughts with the OBCDC team! What could be better? What do you like now? What do you want to see more of in that area of the neighborhood? Help us answer these questions as we ✨ Reimagine the Broadview Road Commercial Corridor. ✨
Two ways to participate:
📋 Take the online survey now OR
📆 RSVP to attend the community meeting on April 25th
Both the survey and in-person meeting will be similar formats, so you don't need to do both. The information gathered will help us better understand how we can elevate Broadview Road. 🛣️
Link to online survey: https://obcdc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Z1aME6nObCpCqW
Link to meeting RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdNRwtKGYvxj8Ef-GT3DYuqy1W3cHHtN6VKhwkIRW9AH-uuA/viewform