Volunteer with the OB MVPs!

Do you love your community and want to meet new people? Join Old Brooklyn’s Mighty Volunteer Program!

OBCDC has a variety of ways to get involved! By being an MVP you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Meet neighbors

  • Build a deeper connection to the community

  • Beautify Old Brooklyn

  • Form memories

  • Assist with neighborhood walkability

  • Improve the quality of life of your neighborhood

  • Share critical information about local services

  • Earn cool incentives

Sign Up for Our Current & Upcoming Opportunities!

Volunteer Opportunities

Old Brooklyn Farmers Market

The Old Brooklyn Farmers Market allows for vendors to engage with residents, sell homemade goods, and demonstrate cooking skills and recipe ideas. It is also provides accessibility for fresh produce in the neighborhood!

Some volunteer tasks may include:

  • Setup/cleanup

  • Working the OBCDC tables

  • Attending to vendors and guests

  • Working the Beer Garden

  • Assisting with art or youth projects

Community Events

OBCDC assists with a variety of events throughout the year including OB Streetfest, Old Brooklyn Farmers Market, Young Brooklyn, Homebuyer Education Series, Home Repair Workshops, and Old Brooklyn Nite. MVPs are encouraged to sign up for individual or recurring events.

Some tasks may include:

  • Setup/cleanup

  • Working the OBCDC table

  • Helping vendors and guests

Community Clean Ups

Clean Ups help to beautify and maintain our neighborhood! Clean Ups help to improve the walkability of sidewalks and provides a clean community for everyone who call Old Brooklyn home!

Tasks could include:

  • Litter cleanup

  • Landscaping

  • Graffiti removal

Home Repairs

OBCDC and our MVPs complete small home rehabilitation projects for Old Brooklyn homeowners who need a helping hand. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for residents and our neighborhood’s housing stock.

Some tasks may include:

  • Minor repairs

  • Painting

  • Landscaping

To sign up groups of 6 or more volunteers for Home Repairs, please reach out to Maria Sharp, marias@oldbrooklyn.com.

Large Group Projects

Looking for a way to volunteer with your company or organization? We can collaborate on a project that works with your schedule. The MVP program offers you a chance to get involved in exciting projects that align with your interests and availability. Contact Maria Sharp, marias@oldbrooklyn.com to get your group plugged in.

See you soon at our next volunteer opportunity!

Thank you to our Sponsor!