2 Developers Submit Proposals for Memphis & Pearl Revitalization

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Friday, December 2nd, 2022 

Two organizations submitted detailed proposals for the revitalization of the corner of Memphis and Pearl by the November 30 deadline set by the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation.

Now, OBCDC staff, board and subcommittees will review the proposals and seek public input later this month.

On Wednesday Dec. 7, details from each proposal will be added to the OBCDC website. At that time, an online survey also will be posted so neighbors can share their thoughts on the proposals.

For those who prefer to give their input in person, a community meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 15, with more details to be released shortly.

OBCDC will evaluate the proposals in part based on the requirements outlined earlier this year in their RFP. The Memphis & Pearl revitalization project seeks to add vibrancy to the corner and must incorporate multi-family housing as well as commercial opportunities to help establish a vibrant, walkable commercial district.

The OBCDC board plans to make a decision on the development proposals before the end of the year.


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Old Brooklyn Remains Committed to Revitalization of Memphis & Pearl